Tampa 7-Eleven Accident Lawyer

You'll see plenty of activity going on at a 7-Eleven convenience store. Cars are pulling in and out of compact-sized parking lots. Shoppers are dashing in to pick up a few items or pay for gas. Trucks stopped by the curb to deliver groceries and other merchandise. With so many things going on at any one time, it's not uncommon for people to get hurt. They can slip and fall inside the store, in the parking lot, or by the gas pumps.

If you were injured in a Tampa 7-Eleven slip and fall accident, you should speak with a best Tampa personal injury attorney. Wolfson & Leon helps accident victims get the compensation they need to pay for their medical bills and future care. Our personal injury lawyers work to recover wages lost while you could not work. If you've been hurt and want to know what legal options you have, you can talk to a personal injury attorney at Wolfson & Leon for free. We review the specifics of your slip and fall, car crash, or other accident and tell you what legal help may be available. Call us today at (239) 777-9954.

What Should I do if I Slip and Fall?

7-Eleven stores are popular convenience stores located throughout the world. Tampa alone has over 240 7-Eleven stores located in and around the city. You can grab a cold drink or pick up a sandwich for lunch. You can even fill up your gas tank at most 7-Eleven stores.

As convenient as these stores may be, slip and fall accidents can happen at your local 7-Eleven store. Floors can become slippery when soda or coffee is spilled. Rain splashing into the store can make the entryway slick. Floor mats that aren’t secure can slide when people walk on them. If you are outside filling up your gas tank, leaking oil and other fluids can make the walkway slippery.

If you get severely hurt in a slip and fall accident in a Tampa 7-Eleven, you should do the following.

Seek medical help: We know to see a doctor if our injuries are serious, but even if you have nothing more than a bruise, it's a good idea to have a doctor check you out. Injuries from a slip and fall aren't always apparent when the accident happens. It could be a few hours or a few days before you start feeling the effect of an injury. If you don't know that you've been hurt, you can make it worse.

Report the accident: Make sure that you let the store manager know about the accident. If they write up a report, ask for a copy for your records.

Get contact information: Ask for the names and phone numbers of any witnesses to your accident. Be sure to note the names of any employees or managers that you speak with.

Take pictures: If you can use your phone to take pictures showing the location of your accident, that is helpful. If you slipped because liquid was spilled or leaking onto the floor, try to get a picture.

Speak with a personal injury attorney: It's a good idea to seek legal help when you've been hurt in an accident. A Florida personal injury lawyer can review the specifics of your case and advise as to what legal remedies might be helpful for you.

What is Premises Liability?

Owners and managers owe their visitors a duty of care to remain safe while on their property. When they fail to do so, it can result in someone getting hurt.

If a person is injured due to a hazardous condition that could reasonably be removed, they may be entitled to a premises liability claim to recover their losses. To pursue this legal remedy, the injured party must prove that the owner or manager was negligent. The key elements that an injured victim must prove include.

  • Management was obligated to provide a place free from injury.
  • Management's duty of care was violated if they were aware of the issue but did not take the necessary steps to keep the injury from happening. This may also be the case if management should have been aware of the problem.
  • Management’s failure resulted in your injury.
  • You incurred damages.

Personal injury law is complex. If you try to settle on your own, you may be unsuccessful or get far less money than you are entitled to. Seeking the help of a Tampa personal injury attorney can ensure that you get the monetary damages you need for your recovery.

Tampa Slip and Fall Law Firm

Since 1963, Wolfson & Leon has fought for people hurt in accidents. We can take on big corporations and their insurance companies on your behalf. Whether we are negotiating a settlement or defending your rights in court, our sole job is representing your best interests.

You can speak with a personal injury attorney today at no charge. If you have a valid case, you don't have to worry about coming up with the money to pay for legal fees. Wolfson & Leon operates on a contingent-fee basis. This means you only pay for our services if your case is settled. If you've been hurt and want to find out what options you have to recover damages, reach out to Wolfson & Leon today at (239) 777-9954.

Client Reviews
"Jonah Wolfson is a superb attorney who provides excellent legal service in addition to being authentically concerned about his client and case. You will be hard pressed to find a better attorney and person in Miami." Brett C.
"All I can say is WOW! I have never met such a professional law team. They are caring and put your needs above money. I guess to describe them is fair, kind, and professional. Don't be fooled by the other attorneys who only want your money. By far the best attorneys in Florida!" Marina Barber